First published: 23/06/2023 -

Last updated: 21/03/2024 -

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Flexible bus service booms as Welsh passengers take up sustainable travel

A demand-responsive, flexible bus service in Blaenau Gwent has seen passenger numbers increase by almost one fifth in the past six months as people explore more sustainable modes of transport. 

The fflecsi bus service, which operates as a pick-up and drop-off service, has helped people across Wales make more than 23,000 journeys since June, after combining passengers with similar journey routes together. Passengers book via the easy-to-use fflecsi app or local rate phone line, with accessible, affordable journeys often starting near their front door and ending at places like their GP surgery or local shops. 

public transport

How does the fflecsi bus service help us make green choices? 

The fflecsi bus service makes being green affordable and convenient. 

Gary Milburn has been a bus driver for over 10 years and recently joined the fflecsi team as Duty Manager. Since joining, he has seen the service rise in popularity as people recognise it as a viable alternative to using their car.  Gary said:

Since launching the service in June 2021, we have seen a steady increase in bookings month on month. 

I think that by connecting passengers to wider bus or rail services, we’re removing that obstacle to using public transport so more people can use the service – helping people make different travel choices.  

It’s not just for commuters, either – we have school children and daytime travellers, and because we run up to 11pm, people can use it for socialising as well.

Why take action? 

Christian Reed, Head of Commercial at Stagecoach South Wales said:

Through partnering with Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council, the Welsh Government and Transport for Wales, fflecsi has become a lifeline for many people travelling in the Blaenau Gwent area. Travelling via public transport and leaving cars at home is a great way for people to do their bit to tackle climate change. 

We know passengers often face a challenge in the first and last mile of their journeys, often how they get from home to their local bus stop or train station. The fflecsi service aims to make those short journeys possible and accessible, linking and opening up further transport options.

By combining passengers with similar journey routes together, it delivers an efficient means of hassle-free transport, and has experienced a 17% uplift in passenger numbers in the past six months. There are almost 900 active rider accounts, with 90% of riders using the app to book their journeys.   

What is Wales doing? 

The fflecsi service operates in 11 locations across Wales and is just one of the many initiatives supported by the Welsh Government in a bid to reduce carbon emissions. 

Since committing Wales to achieve zero emissions by 2050, the Welsh Government has been working with organisations and businesses across the country to take action on climate change. 

Lee Waters, Deputy Minister for Climate Change, with responsibility for transport said:

With cars and light-duty vehicles making up 71% of emissions from transport in Wales, the way we travel has a significant role to play in helping us reach zero emissions. 

We need to make the right thing to do, the easy thing to do. While we invest in improving the infrastructure for people to travel without cars, we also need to make sure it’s easy for people to access public transport from where they live. Services like fflecsi can help to remove barriers to accessing different transport options and reduce the need to use their cars. 

The 2020s must be the decade of action. Reducing emissions more in this decade than in any previous 10-year period will be a challenge and we may need to make difficult choices. If we are to reach our target of becoming net zero by 2050, we now need to work together and continue to make changes to the way we behave, consume and travel.

Funded by Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council, Transport for Wales and the Welsh Government, and delivered by Stagecoach, fflecsi is designed to offer a more convenient and reliable way to travel around.  

More information 

Other Welsh Government fflecsi pilots are being run in Pembrokeshire and the Conwy Valley. Rhonda Cynon Taff, Gwynedd, Denbighshire and Flintshire local authorities are also funding pilots in their areas. Details of all fflecsi services can be found here

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